The Tales of a Blair Family    

The Hampton Times, Hampton, Iowa, June 21, 1948, front page.
N.W. Beebe, Pioneer Resident, Answers the Final Summons

N. W. Beebe, Jr.N. W. Beebe one of the early pioneers of Franklin County, passed away here last Saturday morning, following a fall at his home a few days previously when he broke his right hip. He was born near Adeline, Illinois, and was over 97 years of age at the time of his death. Until the last few months he was able to get around in a very active way for one his age.

Mr. Beebe was born near Adeline, Illinois, January 9, 1851. (Son of N. W. Beebe and Jane Chidester Blair) He secured his early education at the public school at Forreston, Illinois from which he graduated. Later he attended the Mt. Morris Seminary and the University of Illinois, after which he taught school for several years. He was untied in marriage to Sarah Estella Dier in 1873 [note, should be 1872], and in 1875 they moved to Hampton and he entered on a business career, in which he was eminently successful.

He first engaged in the hardware trade in the location where Chaffin Hardware now operates. Later he was engaged in the lumber business, in the present location of the Townsend and Merrill Lumber Co., and when he disposed of that business he engaged in the banking business, and for many years was an active vice-president in the old Citizens National Bank. Probably 30 years ago he retired from his active work in the bank and with his son, the late E. A. Beebe purchased the lumber yards located near the Great Western Depot, formerly owned by the late J. R. Reeve, and later by T. S. Cartwright and Son, and it has been operated since that time as the Beebe Lumber Company. He was active in the management of that business until the last several years, when failing health caused him to retire, and the business has been operated by his grandson, Edwin M. Beebe.


Home of N. W. Beebe Jr.Mr. Beebe was one of Hampton’s most active citizens and businessmen. He served as mayor of Hampton, served two terms as County Treasurer, was a member of the House of Representatives in the Iowa Legislature from Franklin County for two terms from 1909-1913, was a member of the Board of Education of the Hampton Independent School District, and served as a member of the official board of the Methodist Church in Hampton for over 30 years. During his active days he was most prominent in the Knights of Pythias lodge in Hampton, and was one of the prime promoters in getting the lodge to erect the Windsor Building, with the Knights of Pythias lodge rooms occupying the full second story. Hampton was without a theater building at that time and that building now stands as a credit to those who had vision enough to plan for the future of Hampton’s growth. He, with four other men, was instrumental in laying out the town of Chamberlain, South Dakota, in the early 80’s, and one of the business streets in that prosperous town is listed as Beebe street.


He was preceded in death by his wife and two children, Edwin A. Beebe and Mrs. Alice B. Johnson. He is survived by two daughters, Miss Florence Beebe, of Hampton, and Mrs. Elizabeth B. Jackson of Muscatine.

Funeral services, conducted by Rev. W. Glen Rowley, pastor of the Methodist Church, were held Monday Afternoon at the Greenfield funeral home and burial was made in the Hampton Cemetery.

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