Omaha World Herald: Sunday, June 1,
1930. Front Page
Mrs. Martha Stone, Omaha Pioneer, Dies
Was Founder of Woman's Club, Oldest Member First M. E. Church
Came in Stage
Mrs. Martha Stone, pioneer Omahan, died Saturday
morning, after a brief illness, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frederick J. Adams, 3723
Pacific street, with whom she resided.
Mrs. Stone was the widow of
Emerson L. Stone, who died 25 years
ago, and who was a member of the firm Dewey & Stone Furniture company, one of the
earliest merchandising houses established in Omaha. Mrs. Stone's home was in Mount Morris,
Ill. She came to Omaha in 1866 as a bride, traveling by stage from Woodbine, Ia., and by
ferry across the river at this point. She first resided at the Twelfth and Howard streets
and later at 1815 Chicago street and 3210 Farnam street. She was the oldest living member
of the First Methodist church and was a charter member of the Omaha Woman's club.
Surviving Mrs. Stone are a daughter, Mrs. Adams, a son,
Charles B.
Stone, also of Omaha: a sister, Mrs. George B. McCosh, Long Beach, Cal.; four
grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held Monday at 4 p.m. at the Adams home, with Rev. Charles J.
Bready, pastor of the First United Methodist church officiating. Burial will be in Forest