The Tales of a Blair Family    

Charles B. StoneMorning World Herald: Omaha, Nebraska: January 29, 1940, p.12

Charles B. Stone

Charles B. Stone, 72, a resident here all of his life, died Sunday morning at a local hospital following a three month illness.  He lived at 924 South Thirty-eighth street.

He was at one time treasurer of the old Dewey & Stone Furniture company, was employed by an insurance company firm at the time of his death.

Surviving are his wife, May; a daughter, Mrs. Frank Broadwell and a sister, Mrs. Martha Adams.

Funeral services will be held at Burket's mortuary, Tuesday at 2 p.m. with burial at Forest Lawn.

Pallbearers: Fred B. Dale, Elmer Geiwitz, J. W. Sharpe, Stanley Barenek, Dr. E. J. Bailey, Emerson S. Adams.

(Charles was the son of Emerson L. Stone and Martha Jeannette Blair Stone). Picture was not published with obituary.

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